I've tried meditation before, and I find it so challenging. I've also done some reading on it prior to this class, and most people seem to struggle with it. I find that very comforting, because it is a challenge to slow and focus my normally rapid fire thoughts that are all over the place. I love how Krishna talks about it simply. He is not at all condescending or hyperexpectant. I feel as though if he were with me in person, he would encourage me to take my time and do my best. "You'll get there soon. Be patient," he would say.
What a feat! to conquer the senses. I have never heard of yogis lying on a bed of nails or being buried alive before. I thought it was impressive enough in Eat, Pray, Love when Gilbert was able to ignore flies because she was in such a peaceful state of meditation. Nevertheless, these reminders of how meditation can have significantly positive effects encourages me to give it another go. It will undoubtedly start with some hesitancy and frustration. (I'm very impatient and I like to be good at everything. Sometimes when things get hard, I get discouraged to the point of avoiding that thing). Meditation seems like a great way to build character, and get over myself, haha.
Ya, I also find meditation to be very difficult. It's not easy to still the fluctuations of the mind. There's so much activity going on up there! Hopefully this class will help me be more reflective and meditative in my everyday life.