Monday, October 22, 2012

Gita Response Ch. 9-10

When I read 9.11-12 "The foolish do not look beyond the physical appearances to see my true nature as the Lord of all creation. The knowledge of such deluded people is empty; their lives are fraught with disaster and evil and their work and hopes are all in vain." I thought of a conversation I had over lunch once with my Jewish and atheistic friends. I wondered aloud how my life would be if I was not a Christian. I said something about how it would be really easy to get caught up in the things of this world and be morally loose. Of course, I wasn't trying to be haughty. I still sin and am still tempted by my innately sinful nature, but it's my Christian duty to eschew those desires with a firm hand. So I do, to the best of my ability. My friends aren't a      
wild and crazy bunch, but there were areas in which we disagreed, part of which I would attribute to my faith. In this case, my friends argued that I would probably be the same person because of my parents' moral values. I had a hard time arguing, especially as the only Christian and "religious" person in the group. I am not calling my friends/non-Christians foolish, but I do think it would be hard to get through life without the spirit of the Lord, a relationship with the Savior, and amazing things to look forward to after this life.

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